Videography Ninja
Actually, it is not about us at all.

It's about you.

But, it's smart to ask a few questions.  We suggest a 15 min phone call to see if there is a reason to keep talking.  If we're not a fit, we'll say so but we likely can do what you need. 

Award winning enough
to be good - young enough
to be low cost.
Founder's Story

Trevor Black has been filming and winning since he was ten years old.  Seriously, ten.  He learned at a charter school and then won his first competition. 

Trevor is still a young director and producer but with video industry veterans on his team, quality is yours for a lower investment. Plus, the young members of his team keep the look of your videos current and the technology up to date. 

And, the team still likes to win so quality is
not negotiable.  
Videography Ninja LLC
2500 Decker Lake Blvd, Ste 26
Salt Lake City UT  84119